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    The USHJA is pleased to bring members unique benefits beyond competitive opportunities. Learn more and take full advantage of all your membership offers.

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    Learn about resources, requirements and reporting tools that help keep members safe.

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    Access USEF Rulebook, information on new rules, rule proposals, the rulemaking process and other helpful information related to Hunter/Jumper competition.


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Mary Babick Nominated for a Second Term as USHJA President
The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association Nominating Committee, having reviewed and considered the nominations for the position of…
USHJA Pledges $100,000 towards Helmet Lab Safety Research Campaign
The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association is pleased to announce it will pledge $100,000 towards a $450,000 Helmet Safety Research…
Letter to the Membership: An Update on USHJA Championships and Events
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